
Terrazzo Tile Flooring: Pros & Cons, Installation, Costs, and Ideas

The choice of flooring is the most important decision for home décor upgrades and various important functional aspects relating to interior design. An ideal choice can only be made after you’ve carefully considered all the possibilities available in this regard.

If you’re looking for a home flooring upgrade and want to know whether terrazzo flooring fits the equation, you’ve come to the right place. In this post by Custom Furniture Dubai, we’re going to explain terrazzo flooring in the form of an all-inclusive informational guide.

A Comprehensive Take On The Topic Of Terrazzo Tile Flooring

For home flooring considerations, one needs to know all the details regarding the material construction, cost, benefits, installation, ideas, and many other aspects. Therefore, we’ll be starting from scratch to let you have a complete understanding.

What Is Terrazzo Flooring?

In the first place, there is a need to define this type of flooring. Terrazzo is a type of decorative flooring that comprises composite materials either poured or precast to the flooring and wall surfaces. In other words, the floor comprises glass and marble chips incorporated into a mixture of cement and resin materials.

These floors are polished later on for gleaming and smooth appearances. Being extremely durable and withstanding, terrazzo floors are suitable for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Also, you can easily customize the flooring design for unique, desirable home flooring applications.

Terrazzo Flooring: The Background

It’s a fact that terrazzo flooring has been around for centuries but the modern-day terrazzo flooring revival is attributed to first-time applications in the 18th century in Venice, Italy. During that period, people used terrazzo as an alternative to marble because of the cost differences.

The popularity of terrazzo flooring reached Europe in the 20th century again due to the same reason mentioned above. In the 1980s, however, the popularity graph of terrazzo spiked downwards due to alternate possibilities like carpeting, hardwood, porcelain, etc.

But with enough potential to make a style statement, interior designers can’t keep terrazzo out of the modern home design equations. Yes, terrazzo flooring has been in trend once again, thanks to technological advancements offering more astonishing varieties and possibilities.

What Is The Terrazzo Tile?

The aggregates of stone, glass, and marble chips are mixed with cement and epoxy-resin materials, then dried and cut into tiles (various shapes and variable sizes). Basically, it’s nothing different than terrazzo flooring but only that there is no need to pour the material onto the flooring surface rather the tiles are fitted across the room.

Types Of Terrazzo Flooring: Versions & Varieties

There are different types of terrazzo flooring based on the type of matrix used and the type of aggregates embedded in the matrix.

1. Cement-Based Terrazzo

The most traditional type with a cement-based matrix that is used to embed aggregates such as marble, glass, or granite. It’s highly durable and used in high-traffic areas such as airports, schools, and shopping malls.

2. Epoxy-Based Terrazzo

This type of terrazzo uses epoxy resin as the matrix and is popular for its durability, stain resistance, and vibrant color options. It’s commercially applied and is also suitable for residential settings.

3. Rustic Terrazzo

It comprises an unpolished terrazzo surface texture with a rough and natural appearance. It’s popular in outdoor settings, such as patios and garden paths.

4. Venetian Terrazzo

It is a type that uses smaller aggregates, typically marble chips, and a finer matrix. The result is a smoother and more intricate flooring design.

5. Monolithic Terrazzo

This type of terrazzo is poured on-site, creating a seamless and continuous surface. It is commonly used in large spaces such as airports and train stations.

6. Palladian Terrazzo

Palladian terrazzo is a type of terrazzo that uses a combination of marble and granite aggregates to create a unique and natural appearance. This type of terrazzo is commonly used in high-end residential and commercial settings.

Different Methods Of Terrazzo Flooring Installation

Speaking of the installation, we’ll only discuss terrazzo tile flooring installation because this version is the only option that can be DIY installed. All other varieties are to be installed by professionals and flooring experts.

Terrazzo Tile Flooring Installation

When it comes to DIY installing terrazzo tile flooring, you need to follow a series of steps involving the application of adhesive/grout, proper tile fitting, and many other inclusions. The installation procedure can be finalized by applying a finishing coat over the smooth tile surfaces for a glossy appearance.

All-in-all, you can install terrazzo tile flooring with a DIY approach but require special attention to detail to ensure precise, damage-free, and efficient installations.

Terrazzo Tile Flooring: Cost Comparisons

When compared to various flooring options, terrazzo outperforms most of them while competing with upscale flooring varieties. Under these varieties, we can classify carpet, wood, natural stone, vinyl, ceramic tile flooring, and many more.

Speaking of the cost, it depends on the quality of composition materials used in the construction of terrazzo tile flooring. For instance, you can find a version offered at $14 per square foot for terrazzo while the top-quality version can be placed at around $90 per square foot. However, you’ll find terrazzo flooring somewhat more expensive than other floor-covering options.

Take A Look At The Pros & Cons Of Terrazzo Tile Flooring

By seeking out the benefits and shortcomings of terrazzo flooring, you can have a better idea of whether to make an investment or look for alternatives.

The Advantages

  • It’s a decorative type of flooring, especially recommended for home decor upgrades and large-scale commercial applications.
  • You can ideally customize the design and outlook of terrazzo floors for unique, attractive interiors and personalized design impressions.
  • Terrazzo flooring is ideally suitable for confined and capacious interiors, thus featuring a versatile usage aspect.
  • Terrazzo floors are non-porous, easy to maintain, and an environment-friendly approach to home interior renovations.
  • The best quality terrazzo floors are highly durable and can easily withstand damage effects.

The Disadvantages

  • Improper installations can lead to cracked terrazzo surfaces and therefore, a waste of time, effort, and money is the ultimate result.
  • Terrazzo floors are plain, cold and somewhat hard (uncomfortable) to walk on and therefore, not recommended for cold atmospheres.
  • The high-initial costs of terrazzo flooring make a significant impact on the financial statement, especially for large-scale applications.

Terrazzo Tile Flooring & Home Decor Compatibility

Everyone interested in the purchase of terrazzo flooring would like to know whether or not this investment complements the interior decor settings. A simple, straightforward answer to this question is a big “Yes”.

No matter whether your home is styled with a Mid-Century Modern approach or features a Scandinavian Style and others, you’ll find terrazzo flooring up to the mark. In this concern, you can have a selection from the immeasurable extent of possibilities available on the market. Also, you can place an order for custom terrazzo flooring for the ultimate aesthetic delight.

The Conclusion

Terrazzo tile flooring is a decorative type of flooring featuring a mixture of stone, marble, and glass chips embedded in the matrix of cement or epoxy resin. In this post, we have discussed what terrazzo flooring is, with its types, cost, installation, benefits, drawbacks, and decor compatibility. We hope to have provided you with all the necessary information that you’re looking for terrazzo flooring.

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