
The Facts: LED Lighting Vs Fluorescent Lighting

Lighting design has seen a lot of evolutions in the past century and has come a long way since that time. Nowadays, one can easily have different lighting options depending on the application scenario and personal choices i.e. candescent bulbs, fluorescent lights, LED lights, halogen lamps, etc.

Today, the most popular lighting option in residential and commercial buildings is LED lighting, however, fluorescent lights are also used and preferred. If you want to know the truth about LED and fluorescent lights, you’ve got the most precise piece of writing.

In this post by Custom Furniture Dubai, everything about these two lighting options will be discussed from worth-knowing facts and usage to benefits and drawbacks.

Comparing LED & Fluorescent Lighting: The Key Differences

Can’t decide between fluorescent or LED lighting fixtures for your home or commercial working space? Well, reading this informative piece of writing will surely alleviate all your doubts and concerns.

The Evolution Of Present-Day Lighting Explained!

Turning back the clock in time, let’s go back into the history of lighting to know about its present-day evolution. Humans have known about lighting since the time of the stone age. Don’t get surprised reading this because back then lighting came from only one source i.e. fires.

In 4500 BC, the evolution of lighting was initiated with the invention of oil lamps i.e. the first sustainable light source humans had. In 3500 BC, there were candles introduced as a small-scale lighting source.

With years and years passing by cold for advancements in lighting sources, there were only candles until the 19th century when the Argand lamp was invented. It was 10 times more luminous than individual candles and therefore, became a must-have essential in 18th-century homes.

Soon, there were new developments that resulted in the expansion of lighting sources. It was the time when Thomas Edison manifested a bulb in the 19th century. Soon after, electricity became available to common households and the traditional lighting sources slowly lost their sparkle.

In the 20th century, there were rapid and successful developments for new lighting sources with advancements in the field of science and technology. Fast-forward to present-day options, there are LED bulbs, fluorescent lights, halogen lamps, incandescent bulbs, and many more varieties.

What Is Fluorescent Lighting?

Fluorescent lights are also known as high-intensity discharge (HID) and Arc lights. It is a type of artificial lighting that uses a gas-filled tube to produce light. Inside the tube, there is a small amount of mercury vapor and a phosphorescent coating on the interior of the tube.

When an electric current is passed through the tube, it excites the mercury vapor, causing it to emit ultraviolet (UV) light. The UV light then causes the phosphorescent coating to emit visible light, creating the bright glow of fluorescent lighting.

Fluorescent lighting is often used in homes, offices, and other indoor spaces because it is energy-efficient and long-lasting.

What Is LED Lighting?

The term “LED” stands for the light-emitting diode. It uses a semiconductor device or technology to emit light. When an electrical current is applied to the semiconductor, it releases energy in the form of photons, which produce light. LEDs can be made in a variety of colors by using different types of semiconductors and coatings.

LED And Fluorescent Lighting: The Comparison

To help you make a decisive choice between these lighting options, we’ve compared both LED and fluorescent lights on the basis of equal grounds.

1. Materials

Fluorescent lights usually comprise glass, plastic, metal, and mercury as the construction components. The mercury inside the tube or bulb creates ultraviolet light which is then converted to visible lighting through a phosphorescent coating on the bulb. If the bulb or tube breaks, exposure to mercury poses health hazards.

In contrast, high-quality LED lights comprise polycarbonate lenses integrated into an aluminum backbone and various electrical components. Thus, there are no toxic chemicals or gases involved. Plus, the chance of light damage gets reduced up to great extents.

2. Lifespan

Up until replacement, you can regularly use fluorescent lighting for 3-5 years. However, any imperfection during light bulb or tube construction may render it a shorter lifespan. Additionally, there is visible flickering when fluorescent lighting sources are about to be dead and that is sensitive to people with photosensitive epilepsy.

High-quality LED lighting can endure a staggering of up to 14 years of regular usage period. Hence, there’s no need to say that they are the best option when it comes to longevity comparison. On average, this lighting source can easily stand up to 70000 hours of regular usage and therefore, beats traditional illumination options.

3. Recyclable Or Not?

LED lights are recyclable and therefore, can be used again and again. Thus, you can put in your efforts to conserve nature with the purchase of LED lights for your space. However, HID lights are not recyclable and should never be disposed of in garbage cans. That’s because of the toxic mercury filled inside the tubes or bulbs.

4. Energy Efficiency

Arc lights produce glow as well as heat and therefore, a lot of energy is wasted. This means you’ll find them less energy-efficient when compared to the light-emitting diode. LEDs produce minimal heat and more light. Thus, the improved efficacy of LED lighting cuts down costs significantly.

5. Chromatic Rendering

Fluorescent lights create a harsher color wavelength transition between blue, red, and green. Thus, you can’t expect the results to be flattering especially, when in comparison with LED lighting.

On the other hand, LED lights create a smooth, calming, and praiseful effect on the mind. That’s because light-emitting diodes resemble natural lighting with all spectrums of color options and the brightest white.

6. Cost Evaluations

The pricing factor varies and is completely dependent on the number of lighting sources to be installed and the total area to be covered for both options. Generally speaking, you’ll find LED lights somewhat more expensive than Arc lights, however, a justified and long-lasting investment that truly lets you capitalize on your financing.

The Outline!

In the end, we can conclude that LED lighting is better in comparison to fluorescent lights when compared on the grounds of material construction, longevity, recyclability, energy efficiency, and color quality. Also, the cost-effectiveness of LED lights lets you enjoy the benefits of a valuable investment in the long run. We hope to have justified all your concerns regarding the two most commonly used sources for residential, commercial, and business interior lighting.

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